티스토리 뷰

Bayiohju the place gets gutted. the day I ... Nature cells, rajeongchan representatives prison 12 years older in the 'plunge' La chairman also believes filtering ~ Nature Cell containing black cattle Need 檢, 'stock price manipulation' rajeongchan Nature represented in the prison cell 12 years older prosecutor 'stem cells myth' Nature cell rajeongchan president to take the '12 imprisonment older brother H. Lviv lower limit side of the ... bayiohju watching (US achieve clinical objectives) were 5-8% decline ... were many horses to devise Nature Alzheimer only cells itneyo climb clinical cases. Maybe I think the atmosphere is unusual. - Children 24 News reporter Han Soo-yeon - Nature cells plummeted immediately after opening. The prosecution rajeongchan Nature Cell Representative passed the trial for alleged stock price manipulation

The excerpts. Prosecutors have said the older medium to rajeongchan President passed on trial on charges of manipulating the stock price of Nature Cell. In the 10th decision violates capital market law cases, such as the president rajeongchan advanced to Seoul Southern District Court hearing the criminal trial the prosecution asked to section 13 sentenced to 12 years and fined 30 billion won was the President referred the request to the court. The half-Mossi Chief Financial Officer, Executive Director of the Legal Department changed Mossi, three penalties and imprisonment for 10 years each, including public relations director Kim Mossi charged with the same charges 30000000000

It won the sphere. Prosecutors are reported to have called representatives distributed a press release to the media as a successful stem cell therapy drug development clinical efficacy is not proven, and to exaggerate the effect of new drugs, such as opening a clinical trial presentation support the stock price artificially. Also called the representative was alleged false disclosure also applies wrote in stem cell development eumyeonseodo written to pay off the bonds to fund chaenggin to sell in bulk to Nature Cell stocks last February. Prosecutors "Nature cells are difficult to see that a sound biotechnology companies" and "company was raising the heat only to public information, price support than new drug development," he said. La chairman sentenced for such trial will be held on February 7 next year.

ㅋㅋㅋ Samba Kane blah blah 2 years? ? Rajeongchan Nature Cell Chairman / Photo: Hye Jung nine journalists photonine @ prosecutors demanded sentences ranging to 12 years KOSDAQ companies rajeongchan Nature cell President (54) receives the stock price manipulation by false information. Prosecutors dont sentenced to 10 days in Seoul Southern District Court criminal settlement 13 parts (Presiding Judge sinhyeokjae) fined 300 to the rajeongchan Nature imprisonment for 12 years to a cell chairman charged with violations of law alleged on capital market investment business in the open finding trial to trial one hundred million won He asked the judge. Prosecutors have been found guilty of saying "Nature cells are healthy bio venture only to raise the price of ten higher than Enterprises", "La Chairman Capital Market Act violated the Supreme Court Criminal

He argued. He accused of price controlled by false press releases and false disclosure also denied front. La Chairman lawyers is "Nature Cell has proven clinical results within the 2 clinical" and "Nature Cell price was young engages a super cycle, the rise of bio share came in 30 years Nature cells at the time to embellish the actual press release he explained that the price did not go up. " Rather, La Chairman pointed out that the prosecution "was a fitting match type prosecuted." He is currently at 12 university hospitals receive a "three-phase approval said," The purpose of Nature is incurable cell stem cell therapy development "in sikyak treatment clinical trials

It was sentence of 10 years and fined 30 billion won, respectively. La representatives by raising the price through stem cell therapy "joint system" are not validated under such suspicion acquired approximately 23.5 billion won worth of unjust enrichment was accused redeemed in August last year. Sentencing date will be held on February 7 next year. Han Soo-yeon reporters papyrus@inews24.com Source: / Vollago Nature Cell'm suddenly announced a bequest existing shareholders. You, like, 60 billion, not third-party allocation, plus the new shares issued reserve price

Before the final again committed a crime, "he said. Prosecutors Financial Executive of the passed in Nature Cell on trial for allegedly Officer (CFO) Half Cap seeds (47) and the Legal Department General Manager transformed seed (46), public relations director Kim (54) like I said older fined 30 billion won and 10 years imprisonment respectively, while La Chairman lawyers is charged with the prosecution by the excessive lack of understanding about the condition of the permit system sikyak wife

The news that the older 12 years in prison for that act is interpreted as negative. In the current market, KOSDAQ 11 days 9:10 a.m. Nature cells are traded in 8700 won made before the trading day compared to 19.82 percent (2,150 won). Seoul Southern District Court yesterday afternoon criminal section 13 opened the trial decision for four people, including a representative of La indicted for alleged violation of capital market law. Wednesday prosecutors fined 30 billion won and 12 years in prison for La representatives, the other three people have been charged with prison

Well-being, "he explained. According to the prosecution referred to the president, such as shed the false exaggerated information that a successful clinical trial in June 2017 in a joint system Conditional Marketing Authorization Application Process of KFDA in the market. Shares in the process from 4,220 won to 62,200 won emerged as bio prospects, including rising 1,373%. at the time the market in great expectations for the arthritis therapeutics market candidate for the joint system "to medication by injection without the surgery." Nature cell side of the Food and drug said his wife would receive from the stem joint conditional approval. sikyak processing conditional marketing authorization is to permit emergency

7440 won ㅋㅋ is also a great LA venue. / Vollago prosecutor is reported to have called representatives distributed a press release to the media as a successful stem cell therapy drug development clinical efficacy is not proven, and to exaggerate the drug effect, such as opening a clinical trial presentation boost the stock price artificially . Also called the representative was alleged false disclosure also applies wrote in stem cell development eumyeonseodo written to pay off the bonds to fund chaenggin to sell in bulk to Nature Cell stocks last February. Prosecutors "Nature cells are difficult to see that a sound biotechnology companies" and "company was raising the heat only to public information, price support than new drug development," he said. Of news stories
