티스토리 뷰

"Adding that he for personnel recruitment standards" will launch direction in a big reference is the government able to win the part, the challenges we have to go urgently to get through the necessary for the direction you want to move forward, direction, people go the better party Given the right I tell the people first, "he said, bringing the night to greet former army captain and former War

The appearance of a full-fledged hangukdang the election to prepare the subject. Bakchanju former captain of a person caused 'mission gapjil bottle "debate. A 2013-2017 mission bottle filling an electronic bracelet Byzantines of the investigation to the military prosecutor accused the gapjil etc. to manage the gardens were disposed of in April ...... I drop.

When nominating examination, "he said, followed by" will be (dangmu audit, etc.) reflect emphasized it would make it also discover young talent, female talent in the future. "On the other hand, if the primary recruiting target of hangukdang the night, except for former captain Δ Δ yunchanghyeon yijinsuk former MBC news chief of Seoul Hyun Kim, Yong - Ha Chun Hyang Professor Δ

Talent recruitment list before the first day the public was confirmed that except 'diplomatic missions bottle gapjil controversial "two days ago had bakchanju Army. Hangukdang key stakeholders 30 days in conversation with CBS No Cut News "night before the colon is a great minute, but one tomorrow (31) is I can not be included in the list as to adjust the order" and "the rest of you, including former MBC reporter yijinsuk It will continue as

Former captain took the ball to the representative Hwang Kyo-ahn directly recruited. 5 represents the sulfur on his way after the end of fighting in the country OTC March is directly in contact with the side of the colon night before I met at a hotel in Daejeon, and that in this position he requested "a different pony power." Night before the captain told the media recently, "played by four stars

It is interpreted as due to deulyeotgi the ball enough to be discussed in person. Night The Secretary-General stressed that "the night before the colon There are also the points I conclude with another great minutes and cleared a lot of people still do not know," he said "the problem of the adjustment period after its parts are well-known."

There is controversy about it. The night before the Army mission bottle gapjil doubt, the reporter from the former president was controversial in MBC union repression. Grandpa You've Made independence era when the indigenous hapil jangsonnyeo is why the criticism that he is coming ......... ehyu free hangukdang revealed the contours of the human resources recruitment personnel subject to the shu 'jeokpye personnel. Free hangukdang is the so-called "mission bottle gapjil 'controversy

Will, "he said. Hwang Kyo-ahn said, I do not know what are you doing minute ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ symbol of distraction? Symbol of controversy? Free hangukdang the bakchanju former army captain and yijinsuk former MBC reporter, yunchanghyeon of Seoul professor, jangsonnyeo of Yun Bong-gil doctor yunjugyeong before independence Memorial director, Sang - Hyun national team was announced on the 29th that you are reviewing Tteokbokki representative, actor Kim Young Chul's such a talent recruitment targets. the first review after signing a representative office Hwang Kyo-ahn

"I said" think that why not to consider sympathy of young people. Would not be the work of more carefully recruited for that part, "he revealed inconvenience. Night before the colon recruitment attempts sulfur representative is the interpretation of recruitment for the supporters rally focused on the half (反) Moon Jae dominant. Park If the entire colon

Let's representative was criticized back to the topic replied that "not understand the anger of the young." In addition, some of the ref recruited personnel are insufficient to attract the attention of the people from the expert group followed the general election next year is also a lack of awareness raising perspective. This night is for the Secretary-General was "still too early to say a general election strategy steps," he clean up "some time ago, some per-incident, later this week as completing the audit dangmu
